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4 responses to “About

  • Mitali

    Okay, so this is very random. I thought of messaging you on ask.fm too but then somehow felt that it’s a better place. I’ve been following your page for 3 months now and its incredible how I can feel a change in my lifestyle and a positive one to be more specific about. 4 Months back, I had a very bad experience and was totally shattered from within. Then my friend gave me your page’s link and since then, I religiously go through it daily. I’ve read all your posts. And many of them, I’ve taken print outs and stuck them at my room walls. Well, I just wanted to say that Thanks Alot. You bring a smile to thousands of people dailyy. Stay blessed. May God also bless you with someone who can make you also smile the way you make us. May all your wishes come true. All the Best for your future. Take Care.
    Best, Mitali.
    Much love


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